The Ideal Standard for Brewing in Chester
WC Brewery in Chester was in operation from approximately 2003 to 2011, initially as a hobby then it went commercial.
The brewlength was only 46 Litres (1 cask) and the brewing was conducted in the utility room of a private house.
It just goes to show, it's not your equipment but what you do with it that counts.
We'll leave you with our Loo Roll of Honour......
SBD voted joint Beer of the Festival at Wrexham Beer Festival.
2011 - JANUARY
Yellow Snow voted Beer of the Festival at Tarporley Beer Festival.
2010 - OCTOBER
Peak Flow voted 3rd in the Birkenhead CAMRA Beer Festival.
Gypsy's Kiss takes beer of the festival at the Carlton Tavern, Handbridge.
Autumn Winds is first ever Festival Beer to be produced for the Chester Autumn Beer Festival.
2010 - APRIL
Spring a Leak takes beer of the festival at the Bull in Shocklach.
Kiwee Gold is first to sell out at the Frodsham Spring Ales Festival.
2010 - JANUARY
Hubble Bubble Toilet Trouble put forward for the regional final of Champion Winter Beer of Britain. Unfortunately we weren't able to supply it to the festival to take part in the judging.
A Wee Frost is first to sell out at the Frodsham Winter Ales festival.
Gypsy's Kiss voted Beer of the Festival at the Whitehaven Beer Festival.
2009 - OCTOBER
Kami-Khasi voted joint 3rd in the Beer of the Festival at Birkenhead Beer Festival.
Windward Passage voted Beer of the Festival winner, Chester Autumn Beer Festival.
Gypsy's Kiss judged runner up in the North West Best Bitter category for the Champion Beer of Britain.
It should have gone on to the Great British Beer Festival in London for the finals but we were not permitted as the brewlength was too small to meet the number of casks required by the rules. Who knows how far we may have gone.
Windward Passage debuts at the Ship Inn Handbridge. It quickly sold out to become their fastest ever selling beer since the pub reopened.
2009 - MAY
Oui Oui voted Beer of the Festival winner at the Chester Charity Beer Festival 2009. The Trotskys was voted runner up.
2009 - MARCH
Lift a Buttercup Beer of the Festival winner at the Carlton Tavern Spring Festival. Peak Flow was runner up.
Gypsy's Kiss judged CAMRA Champion Best Bitter for the Northwest 2008 at the Liverpool Beer Festival.
Lift a Buttercup voted 3rd in the Beer of the Festival competition at the Wrexham Beer Festival.
2008 - OCTOBER
Bees Wheeze Beer of the Festival at the Carlton Tavern Octobeer Festival, with Caught Short a close second.
Caught Short Judged runner-up to Northern Deep Dark Secret at the CAMRA Champion Beer of Cheshire 2008.
Caught Short voted Beer of the Festival at the 2nd Chester CAMRA Autumn BeerFest.
2007 - OCTOBER
Yank My Chain voted Beer of the Festival at the inaugural Chester CAMRA Autumn BeerFest. Kami-Khasi comes in a very creditable third.
Gypsy's Kiss Judged the joint CAMRA Champion Beer of Cheshire 2007 at the Nantwich Beer Festival.
The Gents were honoured to supply the official Festival Beer for Northwich Beer Festival.
Gypsy's Kiss First to sell out at Tattenhall Beer Festival (third year running).
2007 - MAY
Our Festival Special, Lift A Buttercup, wins Beer of the Festival at the Frodsham Beer Festival. Thanks for everyone who voted for us!
Golden Cascade Makes it into the final six of the CAMRA Champion Beer of Cheshire competition at the Nantwich Beer Festival.
Gypsy's Kiss First to sell out at Tattenhall Beer Festival (second year running).
2006 - MAY
IP in the Billet sells out in under three hours to become the Bear & Billet's fastest selling beer.
2006 - MAY
Gypsy's Kiss Voted joint winner of best beer at the Chester Charity Beer Festival.
2006 - JANUARY
Yellow Snow Fastest selling beer of the Frodsham Winter Beer Festival.
Mahone Brew Sells out in little over an hour at Telford's Warehouse. The Family Mahone did their best to finish it before any of the paying punters arrived.
Gypsy's Kiss Fastest selling beer of the inaugural Tattenhall Beer Festival.
2005 - MAY
Top Trump Had the honour of being the first ale brewed in Chester ever to feature at the Chester Charity Beer Festival. It was our first public offering and was the fastest selling beer of the festival.
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